We are a private therapy clinic in the amazing rural community of Esperance, WA.
When Realise Ability opened its doors in 2020, we wanted to make sure that kids and families in Esperance had the same opportunities as kids anywhere. Dreams are achievable and having differences does not need to stop anyone when they want to make friends, play sport, get an after school job or move out of home. Since then the team have helped over 100 local families understand how dreams can come true and how, with a little bit of support, anyone can do anything they want.
Our hope is to provide high quality, best practice services which are child led, neurodiverse affirming and support functional outcomes. Therapy that really makes a difference to your lives.
We have a team of highly qualified and experienced therapists who are local and passionate about their work and our community. Our team are well supported by other therapists and organisations who visit us and can provide teletherapy. We also have a group of experienced therapy assistants and the most unclinic like clinic you have ever seen! We are right in the heart of Esperance within a short walk of the beach, library, shops and parks and use all these spaces to help us support kids and their families.
We employ locals and support local businesses for all our therapy and clinic needs. When you receive support through Realise Ability you can be sure that your money stays in your community.
Our services attract rebates from medicare, private health and the NDIS.
We are registered NDIS providers and also registered with AHPRA, peak bodies and national disability associations. It is important to us that everyone can access our services. The added oversight and regulation that comes with registering is also an important consideration - we want you to use our services with peace of mind.
How Do We Do This?
☆ We provide high quality, goal-based therapy and support services.
☆ We have a client focused mission and vision and clear values. Our clinical environment supports these.
☆ We provide a service that is focused on inclusion and community.
☆ We employ staff who are skilled and have our values and our clients goals at the forefront of their support.
☆ We are a registered NDIS provider.
☆ We support and comply with the NDIS Practice Standards
☆ We have policies and procedures to support us to provide safe and quality supports and services.
☆ All our staff and volunteers undergo a worker screening system before they work with participants.
☆ We follow the NDIS Code of Conduct, our registration board and association codes of conduct and the Realise Ability Code of Conduct.
☆ Our team receive extensive on-going training and supervision.
☆ Our therapists are all registered members of their professional organisations and AHPRA and we are a working member of the peak body for disability services, the NDS.
Our Vision
We share a vision of everyone having the ability to build their capacity and realise their potential by working on and achieving goals in the community they identify with and belong to.
Our Mission
Our mission is to build people and community capacity, to achieve potential every day in every way.
Our Values
Our staff and our services are –
Reliable – We aim to provide what you need, when and where you need it. We do what we say we are going to do and are open and transparent when we can’t.
Empowering – We don’t believe in doing things for you. Our team love doing things with you.
Accessible – Our services, our building and our therapy are easy to access, physically and practically. We try not to put barriers in place and will do our best to help you overcome any that crop up which are challenging for you.
Lasting – We help you and the people close to you learn about your goals and your needs so that the things you achieve can continue long after you stop working with us. We want to do ourselves out of a job!
Inclusive – We welcome everyone to our service, no exceptions
Safe – Our clinic and our services are developed to create a safe place for you and your family. To learn, to chat and just to be.
Enjoyable and Engaging – We want you to keep coming back. We pride ourselves on finding ways to provide support that is fun and interesting. Sometimes, you will even forget you are working hard and doing therapy!